Plus chapels, synagogues, mosques and temples, but the domain name would be too long.
Items are sorted in strict alphabetical order, not word by word, so that North Bridge is the same as Northbridge The source file gives elevations in meters and in feet, but why would anybody want elevations in feet when they can have a metric figure? |
Holy Cross Fathers Church Sort code: HOLYCROSSFATHERSCHURCH0 Location: Bristol County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 599738 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 41.6081631° North Longitude: 70.6478085° West Elevation: -2 meters above sea level |
Holy Cross Polish Church Sort code: HOLYCROSSPOLISHCHURCH0 Location: Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1971368 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.3698194° North Longitude: 71.0797739° West Elevation: 7 meters above sea level |
Holy Cross Polish National Church Sort code: HOLYCROSSPOLISHNATIONALCHURCH0 Location: Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1977557 Feature class: House of Worship Elevation: meters above sea level |
Holy Eastern Orthodox Church Sort code: HOLYEASTERNORTHODOXCHURCH0 Location: Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1972867 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.3542638° North Longitude: 71.1322751° West Elevation: 12 meters above sea level |
Holy Family Cemetery Sort code: HOLYFAMILYCEMETERY0 Location: Plymouth County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 600502 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 42.1156797° North Longitude: 70.9181742° West Elevation: 33 meters above sea level |
Holy Ghost Cemetery Sort code: HOLYGHOSTCEMETERY0 Location: Franklin County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 601192 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 42.4640226° North Longitude: 72.6098317° West Elevation: 58 meters above sea level |
Holy Ghost Church Sort code: HOLYGHOSTCHURCH0 Location: Bristol County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 606705 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 41.53316° North Longitude: 71.0117061° West Elevation: 15 meters above sea level |
Holy Ghost Temple Sort code: HOLYGHOSTTEMPLE0 Location: Hampden County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1978163 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.1123161° North Longitude: 72.6012003° West Elevation: 19 meters above sea level |
Holy Hellenic Orthodox Church Sort code: HOLYHELLENICORTHODOXCHURCH0 Location: Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1972868 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.645369° North Longitude: 71.3183942° West Elevation: 30 meters above sea level |
Holyhood Cemetery Sort code: HOLYHOODCEMETERY0 Location: Norfolk County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 607214 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 42.3202072° North Longitude: 71.1671797° West Elevation: 64 meters above sea level |
Holy Mother of the Rosary Cemetery Sort code: HOLYMOTHEROFTHEROSARYCEMETERY0 Location: Hampden County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 601114 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 42.1404676° North Longitude: 72.5911168° West Elevation: 58 meters above sea level |
Holy Mother of the Rosary Church Sort code: HOLYMOTHEROFTHEROSARYCHURCH0 Location: Hampden County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1978164 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.1473154° North Longitude: 72.6003669° West Elevation: 38 meters above sea level |
Holy Mount Zion Pentecostal Church Sort code: HOLYMOUNTZIONPENTECOSTALCHURCH0 Location: Hampden County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1978165 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.1075942° North Longitude: 72.5606435° West Elevation: 61 meters above sea level |
Holy Name Church Sort code: HOLYNAMECHURCH0 Location: Hampden County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1978166 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.0884279° North Longitude: 72.5592545° West Elevation: 58 meters above sea level |
Holy Name of Jesus Cemetery Sort code: HOLYNAMEOFJESUSCEMETERY0 Location: Franklin County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 601196 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 42.4704122° North Longitude: 72.6080922° West Elevation: 60 meters above sea level |
Holy Name of Jesus Complex Sort code: HOLYNAMEOFJESUSCOMPLEX0 Location: Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1979951 Feature class: House of Worship Elevation: meters above sea level |
Holy Name of Jesus Rectory Sort code: HOLYNAMEOFJESUSRECTORY0 Location: Franklin County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1977238 Feature class: House of Worship Elevation: meters above sea level |
Holy Rosary Cemetery Sort code: HOLYROSARYCEMETERY0 Location: Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 601156 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 42.3704214° North Longitude: 72.5537862° West Elevation: 69 meters above sea level |
Holy Rosary Cemetery Sort code: HOLYROSARYCEMETERY0 Location: Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 602301 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 42.235404° North Longitude: 72.0101691° West Elevation: 205 meters above sea level |
Holy Rosary Church Sort code: HOLYROSARYCHURCH0 Location: Essex County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1979390 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.7106466° North Longitude: 71.1572803° West Elevation: 21 meters above sea level |
Holy Rosary Church Sort code: HOLYROSARYCHURCH0 Location: Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1979952 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.5736994° North Longitude: 71.9989663° West Elevation: 325 meters above sea level |
Holy Rosary Parish Center Sort code: HOLYROSARYPARISHCENTER0 Location: Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1977558 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.342312° North Longitude: 72.5934224° West Elevation: 38 meters above sea level |
Holy Sepulchre Cemetery Sort code: HOLYSEPULCHRECEMETERY0 Location: Essex County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 602891 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 42.6852024° North Longitude: 71.1327051° West Elevation: 32 meters above sea level |
Holy Sepulchre Cemetery Sort code: HOLYSEPULCHRECEMETERY0 Location: Norfolk County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 602630 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 42.1362028° North Longitude: 71.1047739° West Elevation: 72 meters above sea level |
Holy Spirit Church Sort code: HOLYSPIRITCHURCH0 Location: Franklin County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1977239 Feature class: House of Worship Elevation: meters above sea level |
Holy Spirit Church Sort code: HOLYSPIRITCHURCH0 Location: Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1979953 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.5514778° North Longitude: 71.977299° West Elevation: 329 meters above sea level |
Holy Tabernacle Church Sort code: HOLYTABERNACLECHURCH0 Location: Norfolk County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1974380 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.1525998° North Longitude: 71.0297694° West Elevation: 48 meters above sea level |
Holy Tabernacle Church Sort code: HOLYTABERNACLECHURCH0 Location: Plymouth County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1976798 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.0387115° North Longitude: 71.0094886° West Elevation: 24 meters above sea level |
Holy Temple Church of God Sort code: HOLYTEMPLECHURCHOFGOD0 Location: Hampden County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1978167 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.1125941° North Longitude: 72.570366° West Elevation: 62 meters above sea level |
Holy Transfiguration Monastery Sort code: HOLYTRANSFIGURATIONMONASTERY0 Location: Norfolk County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1972869 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.3206533° North Longitude: 71.1322748° West Elevation: 49 meters above sea level |
Holy Trinity Armenian Church Sort code: HOLYTRINITYARMENIANCHURCH0 Location: Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1971369 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.3787079° North Longitude: 71.1311642° West Elevation: 8 meters above sea level |
Holy Trinity Cemetery Sort code: HOLYTRINITYCEMETERY0 Location: Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 601290 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 42.3580579° North Longitude: 72.6328419° West Elevation: 44 meters above sea level |
Holy Trinity Cemetery Sort code: HOLYTRINITYCEMETERY0 Location: Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 602208 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 42.0297194° North Longitude: 71.9001609° West Elevation: 152 meters above sea level |
Holy Trinity Church Sort code: HOLYTRINITYCHURCH0 Location: Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1979954 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.0820396° North Longitude: 72.0409085° West Elevation: 156 meters above sea level |
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Sort code: HOLYTRINITYEPISCOPALCHURCH0 Location: Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1972870 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.3539826° North Longitude: 71.5550654° West Elevation: 154 meters above sea level |
Holy Trinity Hellenie Orthodox Church Sort code: HOLYTRINITYHELLENIEORTHODOXCHURCH0 Location: Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 600054 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.6456468° North Longitude: 71.3164496° West Elevation: 30 meters above sea level |
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Sort code: HOLYTRINITYLUTHERANCHURCH0 Location: Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1977559 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.3706446° North Longitude: 72.6356454° West Elevation: 46 meters above sea level |
Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral Sort code: HOLYTRINITYORTHODOXCATHEDRAL0 Location: Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 2342451 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.3409° North Longitude: 71.0988° West Elevation: 3 meters above sea level |
Holy Trinity United Methodist Church Sort code: HOLYTRINITYUNITEDMETHODISTCHURCH0 Location: Essex County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1979391 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.5614837° North Longitude: 70.9394951° West Elevation: 12 meters above sea level |
Holy Union Novitiate Sort code: HOLYUNIONNOVITIATE0 Location: Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 606589 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.6009238° North Longitude: 71.5670117° West Elevation: 103 meters above sea level |
Hope Alliance Church Sort code: HOPEALLIANCECHURCH0 Location: Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1974381 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.502873° North Longitude: 71.0592191° West Elevation: 22 meters above sea level |
Hope Cemetery Sort code: HOPECEMETERY0 Location: Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 601845 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 42.2375173° North Longitude: 71.8265983° West Elevation: 161 meters above sea level |
Hope Chapel Sort code: HOPECHAPEL0 Location: Essex County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 600438 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.8403692° North Longitude: 70.8175517° West Elevation: 3 meters above sea level |
Hope Christian Church Sort code: HOPECHRISTIANCHURCH0 Location: Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1974382 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.4534289° North Longitude: 71.1333871° West Elevation: 9 meters above sea level |
Hope Community Church Sort code: HOPECOMMUNITYCHURCH0 Location: Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1977561 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.3742566° North Longitude: 72.5220319° West Elevation: 93 meters above sea level |
Hope Congregational Church Sort code: HOPECONGREGATIONALCHURCH0 Location: Essex County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1979394 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.7075907° North Longitude: 71.2050591° West Elevation: 36 meters above sea level |
Hopedale Unitarian Parish Church Sort code: HOPEDALEUNITARIANPARISHCHURCH0 Location: Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1979959 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.1317633° North Longitude: 71.5400635° West Elevation: 89 meters above sea level |
Hopedale Village Cemetery Sort code: HOPEDALEVILLAGECEMETERY0 Location: Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 601652 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 42.1270414° North Longitude: 71.5428413° West Elevation: 74 meters above sea level |
Hope United Methodist Church Sort code: HOPEUNITEDMETHODISTCHURCH0 Location: Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1977562 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.2770362° North Longitude: 72.4014731° West Elevation: 184 meters above sea level |
Hornbine Church Sort code: HORNBINECHURCH0 Location: Bristol County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 598855 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 41.7992681° North Longitude: 71.200325° West Elevation: 37 meters above sea level |
Hosanna Christian Fellowship Church Sort code: HOSANNACHRISTIANFELLOWSHIPCHURCH0 Location: Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1979961 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.1909279° North Longitude: 71.7631257° West Elevation: 126 meters above sea level |
Houghs Neck Congregation Church Sort code: HOUGHSNECKCONGREGATIONCHURCH0 Location: Norfolk County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1974384 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.2673217° North Longitude: 70.9569918° West Elevation: 7 meters above sea level |
Housatonic Congregational Church Sort code: HOUSATONICCONGREGATIONALCHURCH0 Location: Berkshire County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1978783 Feature class: House of Worship Elevation: meters above sea level |
House of Prayer Lutheran Church Sort code: HOUSEOFPRAYERLUTHERANCHURCH0 Location: Plymouth County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1976799 Feature class: House of Worship Elevation: meters above sea level |
House of the Good Shepard Sort code: HOUSEOFTHEGOODSHEPARD0 Location: Hampden County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 603908 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.1150942° North Longitude: 72.5434208° West Elevation: 62 meters above sea level |
Howard Cemetery Sort code: HOWARDCEMETERY0 Location: Bristol County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 602682 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 42.0148494° North Longitude: 71.0971064° West Elevation: 30 meters above sea level |
Howard Cemetery Sort code: HOWARDCEMETERY0 Location: Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 601792 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 42.1513357° North Longitude: 71.747924° West Elevation: 173 meters above sea level |
Howard Street Cemetery Sort code: HOWARDSTREETCEMETERY0 Location: Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 603978 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 42.3175914° North Longitude: 71.6467352° West Elevation: 128 meters above sea level |
Howes Family Cemetery Sort code: HOWESFAMILYCEMETERY0 Location: Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 602545 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.7343895° North Longitude: 70.2039083° West Elevation: 9 meters above sea level |
Howland Cemetery Sort code: HOWLANDCEMETERY0 Location: Franklin County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 601355 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 42.5129728° North Longitude: 72.6967915° West Elevation: 180 meters above sea level |
Howland Cemetery Sort code: HOWLANDCEMETERY0 Location: Plymouth County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 599689 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.79494° North Longitude: 70.9927897° West Elevation: 27 meters above sea level |
Hubbardston Federated Church Sort code: HUBBARDSTONFEDERATEDCHURCH0 Location: Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1980777 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.4750898° North Longitude: 72.0056321° West Elevation: 305 meters above sea level |
Hull Cemetery Sort code: HULLCEMETERY0 Location: Plymouth County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 2789614 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 42.3050783° North Longitude: 70.9021135° West Elevation: 18 meters above sea level |
Hull United Methodist Church Sort code: HULLUNITEDMETHODISTCHURCH0 Location: Plymouth County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1976802 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.3045435° North Longitude: 70.9092132° West Elevation: 8 meters above sea level |
Hunt Family Tomb Site Sort code: HUNTFAMILYTOMBSITE0 Location: Plymouth County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 2575865 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 42.1285324° North Longitude: 70.9488265° West Elevation: 43 meters above sea level |
Huntington Evangelical Church Sort code: HUNTINGTONEVANGELICALCHURCH0 Location: Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1977565 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.234534° North Longitude: 72.8806535° West Elevation: 114 meters above sea level |
Huxley Cemetery Sort code: HUXLEYCEMETERY0 Location: Berkshire County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 618141 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 42.05577° North Longitude: 73.2226626° West Elevation: 379 meters above sea level |
Iglesia Abrigo Del Altisimo Sort code: IGLESIAABRIGODELALTISIMO0 Location: Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1979969 Feature class: House of Worship Elevation: meters above sea level |
Iglesia Bautista Biblica Sort code: IGLESIABAUTISTABIBLICA0 Location: Essex County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1979404 Feature class: House of Worship Elevation: meters above sea level |
Iglesia Bautista El Calvario Church Sort code: IGLESIABAUTISTAELCALVARIOCHURCH0 Location: Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1972899 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.3923193° North Longitude: 71.0328284° West Elevation: 12 meters above sea level |
Iglesia Bautista Hispana of Jamaica Plain Sort code: IGLESIABAUTISTAHISPANAOFJAMAICAPLAIN0 Location: Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 2342471 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.3184° North Longitude: 71.1123° West Elevation: 25 meters above sea level |
Iglesia Bautista Hispana Sort code: IGLESIABAUTISTAHISPANA0 Location: Hampden County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1978183 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.106483° North Longitude: 72.5861998° West Elevation: 33 meters above sea level |
Iglesia Bautista Sendas de Fe Sort code: IGLESIABAUTISTASENDASDEFE0 Location: Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 2342472 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.3777° North Longitude: 71.0392° West Elevation: 9 meters above sea level |
Iglesia Bautista Sinai Sort code: IGLESIABAUTISTASINAI0 Location: Hampden County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1978184 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.1192604° North Longitude: 72.614534° West Elevation: 19 meters above sea level |
Iglesia Christiana Pentecostal Sort code: IGLESIACHRISTIANAPENTECOSTAL0 Location: Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1979970 Feature class: House of Worship Elevation: meters above sea level |
Iglesia Church San Juan Sort code: IGLESIACHURCHSANJUAN0 Location: Norfolk County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1974386 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.3373197° North Longitude: 71.1183857° West Elevation: 9 meters above sea level |
Iglesia Cristana Methodista Sort code: IGLESIACRISTANAMETHODISTA0 Location: Essex County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1979405 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.7150909° North Longitude: 71.1611694° West Elevation: 17 meters above sea level |
Iglesia De Dios Pentecostal Sort code: IGLESIADEDIOSPENTECOSTAL0 Location: Hampden County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1978185 Feature class: House of Worship Elevation: meters above sea level |
Iglesia De Dios Sort code: IGLESIADEDIOS0 Location: Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1972900 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.6420358° North Longitude: 71.3003381° West Elevation: 34 meters above sea level |
Iglesia Evangelica Hispana Sort code: IGLESIAEVANGELICAHISPANA0 Location: Essex County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1979406 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.7034243° North Longitude: 71.1761695° West Elevation: 27 meters above sea level |
Iglesia Evangelical Apostolic Church Sort code: IGLESIAEVANGELICALAPOSTOLICCHURCH0 Location: Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1979971 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.2462045° North Longitude: 71.8036823° West Elevation: 136 meters above sea level |
Iglesia Hispana Unida de Christ Sort code: IGLESIAHISPANAUNIDADECHRIST0 Location: Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1979972 Feature class: House of Worship Elevation: meters above sea level |
Iglesia Pentacosal Sort code: IGLESIAPENTACOSAL0 Location: Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1979973 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.573145° North Longitude: 71.8392407° West Elevation: 169 meters above sea level |
Iglesia Pentacostal Alpha Lota Sort code: IGLESIAPENTACOSTALALPHALOTA0 Location: Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1979974 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.0737065° North Longitude: 72.0367417° West Elevation: 153 meters above sea level |
Iglesia Pentecostal Cristo Sort code: IGLESIAPENTECOSTALCRISTO0 Location: Essex County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1979408 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.7203684° North Longitude: 71.1820032° West Elevation: 22 meters above sea level |
Iglesia Pentecostal Sort code: IGLESIAPENTECOSTAL0 Location: Essex County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1979407 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.6959246° North Longitude: 71.1536689° West Elevation: 17 meters above sea level |
Iglesia Renacer Cristiana Sort code: IGLESIARENACERCRISTIANA0 Location: Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 2342473 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.4095° North Longitude: 71.0561° West Elevation: 21 meters above sea level |
Immaculate Conception Cemetery Sort code: IMMACULATECONCEPTIONCEMETERY0 Location: Bristol County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1972902 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 42.075839° North Longitude: 71.1137918° West Elevation: 55 meters above sea level |
Immaculate Conception Cemetery Sort code: IMMACULATECONCEPTIONCEMETERY0 Location: Essex County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 602928 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 42.714526° North Longitude: 71.1861718° West Elevation: 45 meters above sea level |
Immaculate Conception Cemetery Sort code: IMMACULATECONCEPTIONCEMETERY0 Location: Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 601679 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 42.3400831° North Longitude: 71.5578453° West Elevation: 156 meters above sea level |
Immaculate Conception Church Sort code: IMMACULATECONCEPTIONCHURCH0 Location: Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1972903 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.3484271° North Longitude: 71.5506207° West Elevation: 136 meters above sea level |
Immaculate Conception Church Sort code: IMMACULATECONCEPTIONCHURCH0 Location: Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1972904 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.6450913° North Longitude: 71.3022827° West Elevation: 28 meters above sea level |
Immaculate Conception Church Sort code: IMMACULATECONCEPTIONCHURCH0 Location: Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1974388 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.4078745° North Longitude: 71.055607° West Elevation: 14 meters above sea level |
Immaculate Conception Church Sort code: IMMACULATECONCEPTIONCHURCH0 Location: Norfolk County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1974387 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.2156557° North Longitude: 70.9281013° West Elevation: 24 meters above sea level |
Immaculate Conception Lithuanian Church Sort code: IMMACULATECONCEPTIONLITHUANIANCHURCH0 Location: Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1971383 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.371486° North Longitude: 71.0936632° West Elevation: 3 meters above sea level |
Immaculate Conception Parish Church Sort code: IMMACULATECONCEPTIONPARISHCHURCH0 Location: Hampden County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1978186 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.0914833° North Longitude: 72.5792551° West Elevation: 21 meters above sea level |
Immaculate Conception Parish Church Sort code: IMMACULATECONCEPTIONPARISHCHURCH0 Location: Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1979975 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.5787007° North Longitude: 71.7959065° West Elevation: 137 meters above sea level |
Immaculate Conception-Salesian Rectory Sort code: IMMACULATECONCEPTIONSALESIANRECTORY0 Location: Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 2342481 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.3888° North Longitude: 70.9985° West Elevation: 6 meters above sea level |
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church Sort code: IMMACULATEHEARTOFMARYCHURCH0 Location: Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1977569 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.2584251° North Longitude: 72.5156427° West Elevation: 102 meters above sea level |
Immanuel Baptist Church Sort code: IMMANUELBAPTISTCHURCH0 Location: Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1972901 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.4820389° North Longitude: 71.2606125° West Elevation: 36 meters above sea level |