Plus chapels, synagogues, mosques and temples, but the domain name would be too long.
Items are sorted in strict alphabetical order, not word by word, so that North Bridge is the same as Northbridge The source file gives elevations in meters and in feet, but why would anybody want elevations in feet when they can have a metric figure? |
Cottrell Lot Cemetery Sort code: COTTRELLLOTCEMETERY0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1903349 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.7421828° North Longitude: 71.5502083° West Elevation: 87 meters above sea level |
Covenant Church Sort code: COVENANTCHURCH0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1903353 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 41.7678789° North Longitude: 71.341997° West Elevation: 8 meters above sea level |
Covenant Congregational Church Sort code: COVENANTCONGREGATIONALCHURCH0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1903354 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 41.8623222° North Longitude: 71.3892225° West Elevation: 46 meters above sea level |
Cranston Lot Sort code: CRANSTONLOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2789931 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.7484084° North Longitude: 71.4828103° West Elevation: 18 meters above sea level |
Cranston Street Methodist Church Sort code: CRANSTONSTREETMETHODISTCHURCH0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1903363 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 41.805378° North Longitude: 71.4378353° West Elevation: 23 meters above sea level |
Cross Mills Cemetery Sort code: CROSSMILLSCEMETERY0 Location: Washington County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1902070 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.3820485° North Longitude: 71.6404413° West Elevation: 7 meters above sea level |
Crossroads Covenant Church Sort code: CROSSROADSCOVENANTCHURCH0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2475530 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 41.8060989° North Longitude: 71.4145762° West Elevation: 23 meters above sea level |
Cumberland Cemetery Sort code: CUMBERLANDCEMETERY0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2790151 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.9137869° North Longitude: 71.3876412° West Elevation: 36 meters above sea level |
Curtis Corner Baptist Church Sort code: CURTISCORNERBAPTISTCHURCH0 Location: Washington County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1902097 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 41.4542682° North Longitude: 71.5281149° West Elevation: 50 meters above sea level |
Curtis Maine Plot Sort code: CURTISMAINEPLOT0 Location: Washington County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1902098 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.4624587° North Longitude: 71.7882377° West Elevation: 51 meters above sea level |
Cyrel Bowen Lot Sort code: CYRELBOWENLOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2790185 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.8889761° North Longitude: 71.7006676° West Elevation: 159 meters above sea level |
Cyriel Simmons Lot Sort code: CYRIELSIMMONSLOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2790270 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.7750121° North Longitude: 71.6584694° West Elevation: 131 meters above sea level |
Cyrus Williams Lot Cemetery Sort code: CYRUSWILLIAMSLOTCEMETERY0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2808793 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.904147° North Longitude: 71.5558708° West Elevation: 127 meters above sea level |
Daniel Barber Lot Cemetery Sort code: DANIELBARBERLOTCEMETERY0 Location: Washington County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1901995 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.554329° North Longitude: 71.7230719° West Elevation: 48 meters above sea level |
Daniel C Bailey Lot Cemetery Sort code: DANIELCBAILEYLOTCEMETERY0 Location: Kent County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1902786 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.6445305° North Longitude: 71.5320883° West Elevation: 83 meters above sea level |
Daniel Cole Burial Ground Sort code: DANIELCOLEBURIALGROUND0 Location: Bristol County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2790045 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.7293082° North Longitude: 71.2560037° West Elevation: 9 meters above sea level |
Daniel Dawley Lot Cemetery Sort code: DANIELDAWLEYLOTCEMETERY0 Location: Washington County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1902110 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.5504266° North Longitude: 71.5829651° West Elevation: 59 meters above sea level |
Daniel Dwelly Lot Cemetery Sort code: DANIELDWELLYLOTCEMETERY0 Location: Newport County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2808527 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.6387549° North Longitude: 71.1437568° West Elevation: 66 meters above sea level |
Daniel Goff Lot Cemetery Sort code: DANIELGOFFLOTCEMETERY0 Location: Kent County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2808822 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.7071577° North Longitude: 71.6383124° West Elevation: 81 meters above sea level |
Daniel Howard Lot Sort code: DANIELHOWARDLOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1903936 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.7588377° North Longitude: 71.7199165° West Elevation: 204 meters above sea level |
Daniel Howard Lot Sort code: DANIELHOWARDLOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2789994 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.7460318° North Longitude: 71.7243416° West Elevation: meters above sea level |
Daniel Howland Lot Cemetery Sort code: DANIELHOWLANDLOTCEMETERY0 Location: Kent County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1902799 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.6564165° North Longitude: 71.4653543° West Elevation: 15 meters above sea level |
Daniel Kimball Lot Sort code: DANIELKIMBALLLOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2790154 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.8628264° North Longitude: 71.6035835° West Elevation: 118 meters above sea level |
Daniel Ladd Lot Cemetery Sort code: DANIELLADDLOTCEMETERY0 Location: Kent County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2808493 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.6544466° North Longitude: 71.772471° West Elevation: 114 meters above sea level |
Daniel Lewis Plot Sort code: DANIELLEWISPLOT0 Location: Washington County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1902100 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.4345351° North Longitude: 71.7689583° West Elevation: 35 meters above sea level |
Daniel Mann Lot Cemetery Sort code: DANIELMANNLOTCEMETERY0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2808521 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.9038975° North Longitude: 71.5716098° West Elevation: 145 meters above sea level |
Daniel Mowry Lot Cemetery Sort code: DANIELMOWRYLOTCEMETERY0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2808837 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.9209075° North Longitude: 71.5408926° West Elevation: 116 meters above sea level |
Daniel Peckham Lot Sort code: DANIELPECKHAMLOT0 Location: Washington County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1902101 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.4337035° North Longitude: 71.7739555° West Elevation: 57 meters above sea level |
Daniel Salsbury Lot Sort code: DANIELSALSBURYLOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2789984 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.8140746° North Longitude: 71.7580406° West Elevation: 191 meters above sea level |
Daniel S Congdon Lot Sort code: DANIELSCONGDONLOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2790174 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.7394362° North Longitude: 71.470237° West Elevation: 42 meters above sea level |
Daniel Thornton Lot Sort code: DANIELTHORNTONLOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2789846 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.8329039° North Longitude: 71.5033181° West Elevation: 86 meters above sea level |
Daniel Warner Lot Sort code: DANIELWARNERLOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2790123 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.8606138° North Longitude: 71.6052849° West Elevation: 123 meters above sea level |
Daniel Waterman Lot Sort code: DANIELWATERMANLOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2789845 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.8378172° North Longitude: 71.5220025° West Elevation: 73 meters above sea level |
Darius Durfee Lot Sort code: DARIUSDURFEELOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2790220 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.8423453° North Longitude: 71.6879265° West Elevation: 152 meters above sea level |
Darlington Congregational Church Sort code: DARLINGTONCONGREGATIONALCHURCH0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1903382 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 41.8873221° North Longitude: 71.3564436° West Elevation: 27 meters above sea level |
David Albro Lot Cemetery Sort code: DAVIDALBROLOTCEMETERY0 Location: Newport County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2808781 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.5366046° North Longitude: 71.2630261° West Elevation: 66 meters above sea level |
David Bennett Plot Sort code: DAVIDBENNETTPLOT0 Location: Kent County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1902769 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.6812468° North Longitude: 71.484237° West Elevation: 48 meters above sea level |
David Greene Cemetery Sort code: DAVIDGREENECEMETERY0 Location: Washington County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1902102 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.5204688° North Longitude: 71.485328° West Elevation: 64 meters above sea level |
David Green Lot Cemetery Sort code: DAVIDGREENLOTCEMETERY0 Location: Washington County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1902193 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.5324505° North Longitude: 71.4222483° West Elevation: 20 meters above sea level |
David Hall Lot Cemetery Sort code: DAVIDHALLLOTCEMETERY0 Location: Kent County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2808686 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.6211365° North Longitude: 71.6372508° West Elevation: 125 meters above sea level |
David Matteson Lot Cemetery Sort code: DAVIDMATTESONLOTCEMETERY0 Location: Kent County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2808791 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.6254173° North Longitude: 71.7066419° West Elevation: 117 meters above sea level |
David Mowry Lot Cemetery Sort code: DAVIDMOWRYLOTCEMETERY0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2789909 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.9088084° North Longitude: 71.5689463° West Elevation: 165 meters above sea level |
David Richmond Lot Sort code: DAVIDRICHMONDLOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2790128 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.8996153° North Longitude: 71.7872612° West Elevation: 174 meters above sea level |
David Rounds Lot Cemetery Sort code: DAVIDROUNDSLOTCEMETERY0 Location: Newport County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2808747 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.5982243° North Longitude: 71.1434113° West Elevation: 43 meters above sea level |
David Salisbury Lot Cemetery Sort code: DAVIDSALISBURYLOTCEMETERY0 Location: Kent County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2808557 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.7167526° North Longitude: 71.6287879° West Elevation: 85 meters above sea level |
Dawley Brown Plot Cemetery Sort code: DAWLEYBROWNPLOTCEMETERY0 Location: Washington County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1902113 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.5607485° North Longitude: 71.5766063° West Elevation: 83 meters above sea level |
Dawley - Straight Lot Cemetery Sort code: DAWLEYSTRAIGHTLOTCEMETERY0 Location: Washington County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1902114 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.5502885° North Longitude: 71.5861203° West Elevation: 65 meters above sea level |
Deacon Augustus Sweet Lot Cemetery Sort code: DEACONAUGUSTUSSWEETLOTCEMETERY0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2790018 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.7629345° North Longitude: 71.7646092° West Elevation: 174 meters above sea level |
Deacon Gideon Lawton Lot Cemetery Sort code: DEACONGIDEONLAWTONLOTCEMETERY0 Location: Newport County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2808621 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.5933255° North Longitude: 71.2461874° West Elevation: 28 meters above sea level |
Deacon James Olney Lot Cemetery Sort code: DEACONJAMESOLNEYLOTCEMETERY0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2789854 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.8528094° North Longitude: 71.5202093° West Elevation: 89 meters above sea level |
Deacon John Wood Cemetery Sort code: DEACONJOHNWOODCEMETERY0 Location: Kent County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2808729 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.6742476° North Longitude: 71.5968536° West Elevation: 78 meters above sea level |
Deacon Joshua Windsor Lot Sort code: DEACONJOSHUAWINDSORLOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2790139 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.9029417° North Longitude: 71.6353981° West Elevation: 140 meters above sea level |
Dexter Arnold Lot Sort code: DEXTERARNOLDLOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2790279 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.8156767° North Longitude: 71.6651375° West Elevation: 191 meters above sea level |
Dickens Cemetery Sort code: DICKENSCEMETERY0 Location: Washington County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2789884 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.1560394° North Longitude: 71.6084359° West Elevation: 22 meters above sea level |
Doctor Benjamin Belknap Lot Cemetery Sort code: DOCTORBENJAMINBELKNAPLOTCEMETERY0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2808668 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.8563784° North Longitude: 71.5141961° West Elevation: 80 meters above sea level |
Doctor Edmond Waldron Lot Sort code: DOCTOREDMONDWALDRONLOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2790124 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.8723936° North Longitude: 71.6033013° West Elevation: 143 meters above sea level |
Doctor Isaac Collins Plot Sort code: DOCTORISAACCOLLINSPLOT0 Location: Washington County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1902117 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.4673148° North Longitude: 71.7225639° West Elevation: 27 meters above sea level |
Doctor Jeremiah Cole Lot Sort code: DOCTORJEREMIAHCOLELOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2790206 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.8271857° North Longitude: 71.6237099° West Elevation: 137 meters above sea level |
Doctor John McGregor Lot Sort code: DOCTORJOHNMCGREGORLOT0 Location: Kent County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2790310 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.7230525° North Longitude: 71.5304783° West Elevation: 55 meters above sea level |
Doctor Nathaniel Sweet Lot Sort code: DOCTORNATHANIELSWEETLOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2790125 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.8778372° North Longitude: 71.723365° West Elevation: 202 meters above sea level |
Doctor Thomas Carpenter Lot - Rhode Island Historical Cemetery - Foster Number 94 Sort code: DOCTORTHOMASCARPENTERLOTRHODEISLANDHISTORICALCEMETERYFOSTERNUMBER0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2790009 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.7271247° North Longitude: 71.7243202° West Elevation: 168 meters above sea level |
Doctor William Richardson Lot Sort code: DOCTORWILLIAMRICHARDSONLOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2789832 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.7901678° North Longitude: 71.5205681° West Elevation: 105 meters above sea level |
Dormition of the Virgin Mary Church Sort code: DORMITIONOFTHEVIRGINMARYCHURCH0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1903406 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 41.9756543° North Longitude: 71.464782° West Elevation: 76 meters above sea level |
Dorrance - Jencks Lot Sort code: DORRANCEJENCKSLOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2789995 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.7324095° North Longitude: 71.7886726° West Elevation: 141 meters above sea level |
Dowley Plot Sort code: DOWLEYPLOT0 Location: Washington County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1902119 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.5520354° North Longitude: 71.5758812° West Elevation: 58 meters above sea level |
Drake - Lad Burial Ground Sort code: DRAKELADBURIALGROUND0 Location: Kent County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2808882 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.6859927° North Longitude: 71.4522478° West Elevation: 13 meters above sea level |
Dr George Waterman Lot Sort code: DRGEORGEWATERMANLOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2789942 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.7677908° North Longitude: 71.4387505° West Elevation: 18 meters above sea level |
Dr James Greene Lot Sort code: DRJAMESGREENELOT0 Location: Kent County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2789974 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.6607161° North Longitude: 71.4272454° West Elevation: 8 meters above sea level |
Dr Solomon Drowne Lot Sort code: DRSOLOMONDROWNELOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2790089 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.8471594° North Longitude: 71.7556679° West Elevation: 203 meters above sea level |
Dr Walter Haile Lot Sort code: DRWALTERHAILELOT0 Location: Bristol County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2790025 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.7530203° North Longitude: 71.2710641° West Elevation: meters above sea level |
Dunns Corners Community Church Sort code: DUNNSCORNERSCOMMUNITYCHURCH0 Location: Washington County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1902123 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 41.3509334° North Longitude: 71.7692332° West Elevation: 20 meters above sea level |
Dutee Colvin Lot Sort code: DUTEECOLVINLOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2789924 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.7480994° North Longitude: 71.5510018° West Elevation: 99 meters above sea level |
Duty Cornell Lot Cemetery Sort code: DUTYCORNELLLOTCEMETERY0 Location: Kent County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2808624 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.6823695° North Longitude: 71.6895002° West Elevation: 181 meters above sea level |
Duty Smith Lot Sort code: DUTYSMITHLOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2789877 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.9470744° North Longitude: 71.6504812° West Elevation: 124 meters above sea level |
East Burial Ground Sort code: EASTBURIALGROUND0 Location: Bristol County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1901420 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.6704093° North Longitude: 71.2699426° West Elevation: 15 meters above sea level |
East Greenwich Baptist Church Sort code: EASTGREENWICHBAPTISTCHURCH0 Location: Kent County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1902773 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 41.662601° North Longitude: 71.4517243° West Elevation: 33 meters above sea level |
East Greenwich Cemetery Sort code: EASTGREENWICHCEMETERY0 Location: Kent County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1902774 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.6565161° North Longitude: 71.4571374° West Elevation: 22 meters above sea level |
East Greenwich Swedish Cemetery Sort code: EASTGREENWICHSWEDISHCEMETERY0 Location: Kent County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1902818 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.6629031° North Longitude: 71.4827337° West Elevation: 40 meters above sea level |
East Greenwich United Methodist Church Sort code: EASTGREENWICHUNITEDMETHODISTCHURCH0 Location: Kent County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1902822 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 41.6606566° North Longitude: 71.4503353° West Elevation: 22 meters above sea level |
Ebenezer Baptist Church Sort code: EBENEZERBAPTISTCHURCH0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1903423 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 41.8117669° North Longitude: 71.4292238° West Elevation: 23 meters above sea level |
Ebenezer Darling Lot Sort code: EBENEZERDARLINGLOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2790169 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.9185324° North Longitude: 71.7254707° West Elevation: 165 meters above sea level |
Eben Henry Lot Cemetery Sort code: EBENHENRYLOTCEMETERY0 Location: Washington County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1902213 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.5106106° North Longitude: 71.5246239° West Elevation: 40 meters above sea level |
Eber J Sherman Plot Sort code: EBERJSHERMANPLOT0 Location: Washington County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1902504 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.5412796° North Longitude: 71.6067923° West Elevation: 101 meters above sea level |
Eber Sherman Lot Sort code: EBERSHERMANLOT0 Location: Washington County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1902502 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.5453715° North Longitude: 71.5717313° West Elevation: 50 meters above sea level |
Eber Sherman Plot Sort code: EBERSHERMANPLOT0 Location: Washington County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1902505 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.5420825° North Longitude: 71.6065283° West Elevation: 103 meters above sea level |
Eddy - Aldrich Lot Sort code: EDDYALDRICHLOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2789880 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.9865332° North Longitude: 71.6948158° West Elevation: 116 meters above sea level |
Edgewood Congregational United Church Sort code: EDGEWOODCONGREGATIONALUNITEDCHURCH0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1903427 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 41.7770451° North Longitude: 71.3994999° West Elevation: 14 meters above sea level |
Edmund Andrews Lot Sort code: EDMUNDANDREWSLOT0 Location: Kent County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2790307 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.6518625° North Longitude: 71.4979703° West Elevation: 63 meters above sea level |
Edmund Arnold Cemetery Sort code: EDMUNDARNOLDCEMETERY0 Location: Kent County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2808655 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.7088978° North Longitude: 71.5573473° West Elevation: 91 meters above sea level |
Edward Almy Lot Cemetery Sort code: EDWARDALMYLOTCEMETERY0 Location: Newport County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2808663 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.5602593° North Longitude: 71.2772096° West Elevation: 55 meters above sea level |
Edward Hudson Lot Cemetery Sort code: EDWARDHUDSONLOTCEMETERY0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2808738 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.7963175° North Longitude: 71.523836° West Elevation: 101 meters above sea level |
Edward Simmons Lot Cemetery Sort code: EDWARDSIMMONSLOTCEMETERY0 Location: Newport County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2808526 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.603385° North Longitude: 71.1437814° West Elevation: 45 meters above sea level |
Elder Ballou Meeting House Cemetery Sort code: ELDERBALLOUMEETINGHOUSECEMETERY0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1903164 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 42.0060835° North Longitude: 71.4570229° West Elevation: 115 meters above sea level |
Elder Ballou Meetinghouse (historical) Sort code: ELDERBALLOUMEETINGHOUSEHISTORICAL0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1903435 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.0062095° North Longitude: 71.4564485° West Elevation: 111 meters above sea level |
Elder Elisha Greene Lot Sort code: ELDERELISHAGREENELOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2790175 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.7480307° North Longitude: 71.4528497° West Elevation: 23 meters above sea level |
Elder Gorton Meeting House (historical) Sort code: ELDERGORTONMEETINGHOUSEHISTORICAL0 Location: Kent County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1902825 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 41.6639899° North Longitude: 71.4470018° West Elevation: 13 meters above sea level |
Elder John Gorton Meeting Burial Ground Sort code: ELDERJOHNGORTONMEETINGBURIALGROUND0 Location: Kent County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1902811 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.6631499° North Longitude: 71.4467996° West Elevation: 15 meters above sea level |
Elder Pardon Tillinghast Lot Sort code: ELDERPARDONTILLINGHASTLOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 1904348 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.8206167° North Longitude: 71.4021066° West Elevation: 17 meters above sea level |
Elder Stephen Sweet Lot Sort code: ELDERSTEPHENSWEETLOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2789851 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.8417425° North Longitude: 71.4840539° West Elevation: meters above sea level |
Elder William Bowen Lot Sort code: ELDERWILLIAMBOWENLOT0 Location: Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America Feature ID: 2789883 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.9583922° North Longitude: 71.7054512° West Elevation: 137 meters above sea level |