Plus chapels, synagogues, mosques and temples, but the domain name would be too long.
Items are sorted in strict alphabetical order, not word by word, so that North Bridge is the same as Northbridge The source file gives elevations in meters and in feet, but why would anybody want elevations in feet when they can have a metric figure? |
Southside Trinity Holiness Church Sort code: SOUTHSIDETRINITYHOLINESSCHURCH0 Location: Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, United States of America Feature ID: 1809578 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 35.43645° North Longitude: 97.5019825° West Elevation: 380 meters above sea level |
Southside Union Chapel Sort code: SOUTHSIDEUNIONCHAPEL0 Location: Allegany County, New York, United States of America Feature ID: 2616281 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.066915° North Longitude: 78.168436° West Elevation: 485 meters above sea level |
South Side United Methodist Church Sort code: SOUTHSIDEUNITEDMETHODISTCHURCH0 Location: Cabell County, West Virginia, United States of America Feature ID: 1740492 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 38.407027° North Longitude: 82.4743217° West Elevation: 168 meters above sea level |
Southside United Methodist Church Sort code: SOUTHSIDEUNITEDMETHODISTCHURCH0 Location: Duval County, Florida, United States of America Feature ID: 2476566 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 30.292719° North Longitude: 81.648622° West Elevation: 6 meters above sea level |
Southside United Methodist Church Sort code: SOUTHSIDEUNITEDMETHODISTCHURCH0 Location: Etowah County, Alabama, United States of America Feature ID: 140735 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 33.8998205° North Longitude: 86.031083° West Elevation: 166 meters above sea level |
Southside United Methodist Church Sort code: SOUTHSIDEUNITEDMETHODISTCHURCH0 Location: Ouachita Parish, Louisiana, United States of America Feature ID: 548595 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 32.4845892° North Longitude: 92.0970785° West Elevation: 22 meters above sea level |
Southside Unity Center of Christianity Sort code: SOUTHSIDEUNITYCENTEROFCHRISTIANITY0 Location: Cook County, Illinois, United States of America Feature ID: 1836776 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 41.7242005° North Longitude: 87.6631051° West Elevation: 189 meters above sea level |
Southside Vineyard Christian Church Sort code: SOUTHSIDEVINEYARDCHRISTIANCHURCH0 Location: Kent County, Michigan, United States of America Feature ID: 2569778 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.9166667° North Longitude: 85.6916667° West Elevation: 208 meters above sea level |
South Sidney Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHSIDNEYCEMETERY0 Location: Montcalm County, Michigan, United States of America Feature ID: 1951081 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 43.2203012° North Longitude: 85.1825146° West Elevation: 271 meters above sea level |
South Silver Lake Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHSILVERLAKECEMETERY0 Location: Worth County, Iowa, United States of America Feature ID: 1944593 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 43.4510142° North Longitude: 93.3987514° West Elevation: 392 meters above sea level |
South Slough Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHSLOUGHCEMETERY0 Location: Coos County, Oregon, United States of America Feature ID: 1132582 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 43.312518° North Longitude: 124.3388918° West Elevation: 31 meters above sea level |
South Sodus Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHSODUSCEMETERY0 Location: Wayne County, New York, United States of America Feature ID: 2494735 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 43.1668768° North Longitude: 76.9867223° West Elevation: 130 meters above sea level |
South Solomon Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHSOLOMONCEMETERY0 Location: Osborne County, Kansas, United States of America Feature ID: 472300 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 39.451455° North Longitude: 98.6193076° West Elevation: 478 meters above sea level |
South Solon Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHSOLONCEMETERY0 Location: Madison County, Ohio, United States of America Feature ID: 1068835 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 39.7353378° North Longitude: 83.6165884° West Elevation: 339 meters above sea level |
South Spanish Congregation of Jehovahs Witnesses Sort code: SOUTHSPANISHCONGREGATIONOFJEHOVAHSWITNESSES0 Location: Cook County, Illinois, United States of America Feature ID: 1836770 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 41.706146° North Longitude: 87.5606012° West Elevation: 179 meters above sea level |
South Sparta Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHSPARTACEMETERY0 Location: Livingston County, New York, United States of America Feature ID: 965877 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 42.5957061° North Longitude: 77.7193118° West Elevation: 189 meters above sea level |
South Sparta Church Sort code: SOUTHSPARTACHURCH0 Location: Dearborn County, Indiana, United States of America Feature ID: 443859 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 39.0753335° North Longitude: 85.0955117° West Elevation: 290 meters above sea level |
South Stanly Church Sort code: SOUTHSTANLYCHURCH0 Location: Stanly County, North Carolina, United States of America Feature ID: 995217 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 35.2295895° North Longitude: 80.149226° West Elevation: 120 meters above sea level |
South Star Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHSTARCEMETERY0 Location: Graham County, Kansas, United States of America Feature ID: 472202 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 39.4806184° North Longitude: 99.9936206° West Elevation: 767 meters above sea level |
South Starksboro Friends Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHSTARKSBOROFRIENDSCEMETERY0 Location: Addison County, Vermont, United States of America Feature ID: 1918247 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 44.1672693° North Longitude: 73.0142809° West Elevation: 368 meters above sea level |
South Street African Methodist Episcopal Church (historical) Sort code: SOUTHSTREETAFRICANMETHODISTEPISCOPALCHURCHHISTORICAL0 Location: Houston County, Alabama, United States of America Feature ID: 150892 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 31.2190647° North Longitude: 85.3982667° West Elevation: 97 meters above sea level |
South Street Baptist Church Sort code: SOUTHSTREETBAPTISTCHURCH0 Location: Portsmouth (city), Virginia, United States of America Feature ID: 1790991 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 36.8323703° North Longitude: 76.3066078° West Elevation: 2 meters above sea level |
South Street Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHSTREETCEMETERY0 Location: Broome County, New York, United States of America Feature ID: 2542961 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 42.3086043° North Longitude: 75.8741662° West Elevation: 311 meters above sea level |
South Street Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHSTREETCEMETERY0 Location: Cumberland County, Maine, United States of America Feature ID: 1913081 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 43.6786829° North Longitude: 70.4425502° West Elevation: 68 meters above sea level |
South Street Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHSTREETCEMETERY0 Location: Plymouth County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 2575962 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.950057° North Longitude: 70.980575° West Elevation: 19 meters above sea level |
South Street Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHSTREETCEMETERY0 Location: Tolland County, Connecticut, United States of America Feature ID: 211011 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 41.7734321° North Longitude: 72.3803601° West Elevation: 135 meters above sea level |
South Street Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHSTREETCEMETERY0 Location: Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1980441 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 42.5796302° North Longitude: 71.7976774° West Elevation: 139 meters above sea level |
South Street Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHSTREETCEMETERY0 Location: Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1980442 Feature class: Cemetery Elevation: meters above sea level |
South Street Temple Sort code: SOUTHSTREETTEMPLE0 Location: Lancaster County, Nebraska, United States of America Feature ID: 1898878 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 40.7919457° North Longitude: 96.6922385° West Elevation: 374 meters above sea level |
South Suburban Evangelical Free Church Sort code: SOUTHSUBURBANEVANGELICALFREECHURCH0 Location: Dakota County, Minnesota, United States of America Feature ID: 2478934 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 44.7669° North Longitude: 93.1874° West Elevation: 309 meters above sea level |
South Suburban Missionary Baptist Church Sort code: SOUTHSUBURBANMISSIONARYBAPTISTCHURCH0 Location: Cook County, Illinois, United States of America Feature ID: 2037338 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 41.6133677° North Longitude: 87.6489355° West Elevation: 184 meters above sea level |
South Suburban Seventh Day Adventist Church Sort code: SOUTHSUBURBANSEVENTHDAYADVENTISTCHURCH0 Location: Cook County, Illinois, United States of America Feature ID: 2036263 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 41.4764234° North Longitude: 87.7092121° West Elevation: 224 meters above sea level |
South Sudan Christian Group Sort code: SOUTHSUDANCHRISTIANGROUP0 Location: San Diego County, California, United States of America Feature ID: 2456845 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 32.7525885° North Longitude: 117.0660161° West Elevation: 100 meters above sea level |
South Summerville Baptist Church Sort code: SOUTHSUMMERVILLEBAPTISTCHURCH0 Location: Chattooga County, Georgia, United States of America Feature ID: 344489 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 34.4742532° North Longitude: 85.3555123° West Elevation: 201 meters above sea level |
South Sumter Evergreen Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHSUMTEREVERGREENCEMETERY0 Location: Sumter County, Florida, United States of America Feature ID: 2060547 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 28.6536045° North Longitude: 82.0559166° West Elevation: 27 meters above sea level |
South Surry Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHSURRYCEMETERY0 Location: Hancock County, Maine, United States of America Feature ID: 575910 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 44.4579376° North Longitude: 68.4674837° West Elevation: 26 meters above sea level |
South Sutton Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHSUTTONCEMETERY0 Location: Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 601757 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 42.0963468° North Longitude: 71.7110512° West Elevation: 136 meters above sea level |
South Telegraph Church Sort code: SOUTHTELEGRAPHCHURCH0 Location: St. Louis County, Missouri, United States of America Feature ID: 758155 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 38.4758865° North Longitude: 90.3040049° West Elevation: 169 meters above sea level |
South Temple Church of God in Christ Sort code: SOUTHTEMPLECHURCHOFGODINCHRIST0 Location: Pulaski County, Arkansas, United States of America Feature ID: 68556 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 34.7189812° North Longitude: 92.2848725° West Elevation: 88 meters above sea level |
South Temple Church Sort code: SOUTHTEMPLECHURCH0 Location: Dallas County, Texas, United States of America Feature ID: 1347536 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 32.7337427° North Longitude: 97.0038958° West Elevation: 154 meters above sea level |
South Ten Mile Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHTENMILECEMETERY0 Location: Greene County, Pennsylvania, United States of America Feature ID: 2800891 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 39.9256704° North Longitude: 80.3608288° West Elevation: 348 meters above sea level |
South Tenth Street Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHTENTHSTREETCEMETERY0 Location: Hancock County, Illinois, United States of America Feature ID: 1984140 Feature class: Cemetery Elevation: meters above sea level |
South Terrebonne Church of Christ Sort code: SOUTHTERREBONNECHURCHOFCHRIST0 Location: Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana, United States of America Feature ID: 2602814 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 29.4836986° North Longitude: 90.5535146° West Elevation: 1 meters above sea level |
South 14th and Oak Church of Christ Sort code: SOUTHTHANDOAKCHURCHOFCHRIST0 Location: Taylor County, Texas, United States of America Feature ID: 2024709 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 32.4320702° North Longitude: 99.7336992° West Elevation: 527 meters above sea level |
South Thomas Church (historical) Sort code: SOUTHTHOMASCHURCHHISTORICAL0 Location: Wayne County, Illinois, United States of America Feature ID: 1823921 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 38.418104° North Longitude: 88.2869885° West Elevation: 135 meters above sea level |
South Thompson Church Sort code: SOUTHTHOMPSONCHURCH0 Location: Toombs County, Georgia, United States of America Feature ID: 345213 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 32.1049119° North Longitude: 82.3731821° West Elevation: 75 meters above sea level |
South 14 th Street Church of Christ Sort code: SOUTHTHSTREETCHURCHOFCHRIST0 Location: Lake County, Florida, United States of America Feature ID: 2073315 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 28.7952778° North Longitude: 81.9202778° West Elevation: 25 meters above sea level |
South Toledo Baptist Church Sort code: SOUTHTOLEDOBAPTISTCHURCH0 Location: Lucas County, Ohio, United States of America Feature ID: 1060239 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 41.6119952° North Longitude: 83.618824° West Elevation: 190 meters above sea level |
South Toms Prairie Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHTOMSPRAIRIECEMETERY0 Location: Wayne County, Illinois, United States of America Feature ID: 418844 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 38.4186339° North Longitude: 88.2876561° West Elevation: 137 meters above sea level |
Southtown Baptist Church Sort code: SOUTHTOWNBAPTISTCHURCH0 Location: Hennepin County, Minnesota, United States of America Feature ID: 2478936 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 44.8557° North Longitude: 93.3132° West Elevation: 261 meters above sea level |
Southtown Baptist Church Sort code: SOUTHTOWNBAPTISTCHURCH0 Location: Polk County, Iowa, United States of America Feature ID: 2048326 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 41.529712° North Longitude: 93.6057728° West Elevation: 283 meters above sea level |
Southtown Christian Center Sort code: SOUTHTOWNCHRISTIANCENTER0 Location: Chautauqua County, New York, United States of America Feature ID: 2616282 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.0939047° North Longitude: 79.2583675° West Elevation: 432 meters above sea level |
Southtown Church of Christ Sort code: SOUTHTOWNCHURCHOFCHRIST0 Location: Erie County, New York, United States of America Feature ID: 2714279 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.8550456° North Longitude: 78.8315856° West Elevation: 179 meters above sea level |
Southtown Community Church Sort code: SOUTHTOWNCOMMUNITYCHURCH0 Location: Bexar County, Texas, United States of America Feature ID: 2470373 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 29.4109104° North Longitude: 98.4871329° West Elevation: 194 meters above sea level |
Southtown Pentecostal Assembly Sort code: SOUTHTOWNPENTECOSTALASSEMBLY0 Location: Polk County, Iowa, United States of America Feature ID: 2048276 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 41.5499896° North Longitude: 93.6060506° West Elevation: 284 meters above sea level |
Southtowns Christian Center Sort code: SOUTHTOWNSCHRISTIANCENTER0 Location: Erie County, New York, United States of America Feature ID: 2714280 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.706813° North Longitude: 78.919386° West Elevation: 225 meters above sea level |
South Tree Church Sort code: SOUTHTREECHURCH0 Location: Jackson County, Kentucky, United States of America Feature ID: 515558 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 37.3728644° North Longitude: 84.0574297° West Elevation: 379 meters above sea level |
South Trenton Presbyterian Church Sort code: SOUTHTRENTONPRESBYTERIANCHURCH0 Location: Oneida County, New York, United States of America Feature ID: 2616277 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 43.2182707° North Longitude: 75.1795832° West Elevation: 242 meters above sea level |
South Trinity Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHTRINITYCEMETERY0 Location: Kingsbury County, South Dakota, United States of America Feature ID: 1258222 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 44.5280666° North Longitude: 97.2097535° West Elevation: 524 meters above sea level |
South Trinity Church Sort code: SOUTHTRINITYCHURCH0 Location: Walsh County, North Dakota, United States of America Feature ID: 1032205 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 48.3838794° North Longitude: 97.5361933° West Elevation: 263 meters above sea level |
South Trinity Lutheran Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHTRINITYLUTHERANCEMETERY0 Location: Walsh County, North Dakota, United States of America Feature ID: 2802686 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 48.3840632° North Longitude: 97.5367108° West Elevation: 263 meters above sea level |
South Tulsa Baptist Church Sort code: SOUTHTULSABAPTISTCHURCH0 Location: Tulsa County, Oklahoma, United States of America Feature ID: 1789924 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 36.0150973° North Longitude: 95.9047135° West Elevation: 225 meters above sea level |
South Twentyeighth Avenue Baptist Church Sort code: SOUTHTWENTYEIGHTHAVENUEBAPTISTCHURCH0 Location: Forrest County, Mississippi, United States of America Feature ID: 683954 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 31.3051751° North Longitude: 89.3308959° West Elevation: 64 meters above sea level |
South Union Baptist Church Graveyard Sort code: SOUTHUNIONBAPTISTCHURCHGRAVEYARD0 Location: Oconee County, South Carolina, United States of America Feature ID: 1244823 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 34.5472163° North Longitude: 83.0562183° West Elevation: 270 meters above sea level |
South Union Baptist Church Sort code: SOUTHUNIONBAPTISTCHURCH0 Location: Christian County, Kentucky, United States of America Feature ID: 503983 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 36.79983° North Longitude: 87.57409° West Elevation: 169 meters above sea level |
South Union Baptist Church Sort code: SOUTHUNIONBAPTISTCHURCH0 Location: Oconee County, South Carolina, United States of America Feature ID: 1250971 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 34.5464895° North Longitude: 83.056262° West Elevation: 270 meters above sea level |
South Union Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHUNIONCEMETERY0 Location: Choctaw County, Mississippi, United States of America Feature ID: 707527 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 33.3259513° North Longitude: 89.2311728° West Elevation: 170 meters above sea level |
South Union Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHUNIONCEMETERY0 Location: East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, United States of America Feature ID: 542126 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 30.724986° North Longitude: 90.8973915° West Elevation: 49 meters above sea level |
South Union Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHUNIONCEMETERY0 Location: Howard County, Indiana, United States of America Feature ID: 443862 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 40.4753227° North Longitude: 86.3287606° West Elevation: 241 meters above sea level |
South Union Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHUNIONCEMETERY0 Location: Logan County, Ohio, United States of America Feature ID: 1960466 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 40.2728245° North Longitude: 83.7618731° West Elevation: 355 meters above sea level |
South Union Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHUNIONCEMETERY0 Location: Morris County, Texas, United States of America Feature ID: 1347541 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 32.9737398° North Longitude: 94.6940944° West Elevation: 110 meters above sea level |
South Union Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHUNIONCEMETERY0 Location: Webster County, Mississippi, United States of America Feature ID: 678018 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 33.5853922° North Longitude: 89.3606211° West Elevation: 135 meters above sea level |
South Union Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHUNIONCEMETERY0 Location: Winston County, Alabama, United States of America Feature ID: 2701971 Feature class: Cemetery Elevation: meters above sea level |
South Union Chapel Sort code: SOUTHUNIONCHAPEL0 Location: Elkhart County, Indiana, United States of America Feature ID: 443863 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 41.4719923° North Longitude: 86.052778° West Elevation: 266 meters above sea level |
South Union Church of Christ Sort code: SOUTHUNIONCHURCHOFCHRIST0 Location: Harris County, Texas, United States of America Feature ID: 2020518 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 29.6843971° North Longitude: 95.3727164° West Elevation: 13 meters above sea level |
South Union Church Sort code: SOUTHUNIONCHURCH0 Location: Choctaw County, Mississippi, United States of America Feature ID: 694847 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 33.3265131° North Longitude: 89.2295115° West Elevation: 174 meters above sea level |
South Union Church Sort code: SOUTHUNIONCHURCH0 Location: East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, United States of America Feature ID: 539517 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 30.7246283° North Longitude: 90.8973236° West Elevation: 48 meters above sea level |
South Union Church Sort code: SOUTHUNIONCHURCH0 Location: Edmonson County, Kentucky, United States of America Feature ID: 503984 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 37.3247721° North Longitude: 86.3624771° West Elevation: 191 meters above sea level |
South Union Church Sort code: SOUTHUNIONCHURCH0 Location: Logan County, Ohio, United States of America Feature ID: 1065357 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 40.2731101° North Longitude: 83.7632665° West Elevation: 356 meters above sea level |
South Union Church Sort code: SOUTHUNIONCHURCH0 Location: Monroe County, Indiana, United States of America Feature ID: 443864 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 39.0858808° North Longitude: 86.5913872° West Elevation: 213 meters above sea level |
South Union Church Sort code: SOUTHUNIONCHURCH0 Location: Trigg County, Kentucky, United States of America Feature ID: 503982 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 36.7594958° North Longitude: 87.9511347° West Elevation: 131 meters above sea level |
South Union Church Sort code: SOUTHUNIONCHURCH0 Location: Webster County, Mississippi, United States of America Feature ID: 678019 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 33.5815096° North Longitude: 89.3584043° West Elevation: 128 meters above sea level |
South Union Free Will Baptist Church Sort code: SOUTHUNIONFREEWILLBAPTISTCHURCH0 Location: Kern County, California, United States of America Feature ID: 1839140 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 35.2744054° North Longitude: 119.0034356° West Elevation: 108 meters above sea level |
South Union Missionary Baptist Church Sort code: SOUTHUNIONMISSIONARYBAPTISTCHURCH0 Location: Anderson County, Texas, United States of America Feature ID: 2016538 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 31.7535045° North Longitude: 95.6360668° West Elevation: 139 meters above sea level |
South Union Missionary Baptist Church Sort code: SOUTHUNIONMISSIONARYBAPTISTCHURCH0 Location: Harris County, Texas, United States of America Feature ID: 2019771 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 29.6846748° North Longitude: 95.373272° West Elevation: 13 meters above sea level |
South Unitarian Church Sort code: SOUTHUNITARIANCHURCH0 Location: Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America Feature ID: 1980444 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.2548154° North Longitude: 71.8134047° West Elevation: 159 meters above sea level |
South United Methodist Church Sort code: SOUTHUNITEDMETHODISTCHURCH0 Location: Franklin County, Ohio, United States of America Feature ID: 1060521 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 39.9289531° North Longitude: 82.991016° West Elevation: 228 meters above sea level |
South United Methodist Church Sort code: SOUTHUNITEDMETHODISTCHURCH0 Location: Hartford County, Connecticut, United States of America Feature ID: 1950761 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 41.8373208° North Longitude: 72.6148123° West Elevation: 13 meters above sea level |
South United Methodist Church Sort code: SOUTHUNITEDMETHODISTCHURCH0 Location: Kent County, Michigan, United States of America Feature ID: 2570407 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 42.8819444° North Longitude: 85.6641667° West Elevation: 207 meters above sea level |
South United Methodist Church Sort code: SOUTHUNITEDMETHODISTCHURCH0 Location: Middlesex County, Connecticut, United States of America Feature ID: 1924121 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 41.5489875° North Longitude: 72.638704° West Elevation: 22 meters above sea level |
South United Pentecostal Church Sort code: SOUTHUNITEDPENTECOSTALCHURCH0 Location: Jefferson County, Texas, United States of America Feature ID: 2022806 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 30.0360465° North Longitude: 94.0679557° West Elevation: 6 meters above sea level |
South Unity Community Church Sort code: SOUTHUNITYCOMMUNITYCHURCH0 Location: Waldo County, Maine, United States of America Feature ID: 573923 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 44.5828467° North Longitude: 69.3267107° West Elevation: 163 meters above sea level |
South Valley Apostolic Church Sort code: SOUTHVALLEYAPOSTOLICCHURCH0 Location: Bernalillo County, New Mexico, United States of America Feature ID: 915072 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 35.0792134° North Longitude: 106.648081° West Elevation: 1510 meters above sea level |
South Valley Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHVALLEYCEMETERY0 Location: Neosho County, Kansas, United States of America Feature ID: 475116 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 37.6123253° North Longitude: 95.3426795° West Elevation: 283 meters above sea level |
South Valley Cemetery Sort code: SOUTHVALLEYCEMETERY0 Location: Trempealeau County, Wisconsin, United States of America Feature ID: 1851177 Feature class: Cemetery Latitude: 44.5382207° North Longitude: 91.227758° West Elevation: 309 meters above sea level |
South Valley Chapel Sort code: SOUTHVALLEYCHAPEL0 Location: Neosho County, Kansas, United States of America Feature ID: 475108 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 37.6000506° North Longitude: 95.3972022° West Elevation: 289 meters above sea level |
South Valley Christian Church Sort code: SOUTHVALLEYCHRISTIANCHURCH0 Location: Santa Clara County, California, United States of America Feature ID: 1835377 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 37.1166128° North Longitude: 121.6621682° West Elevation: 134 meters above sea level |
South Valley Church of Christ Sort code: SOUTHVALLEYCHURCHOFCHRIST0 Location: Santa Clara County, California, United States of America Feature ID: 1835379 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 37.1130011° North Longitude: 121.609666° West Elevation: 98 meters above sea level |
South Valley Church Sort code: SOUTHVALLEYCHURCH0 Location: Chatham County, Georgia, United States of America Feature ID: 323289 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 32.0927042° North Longitude: 81.240946° West Elevation: 5 meters above sea level |
South Valley Church Sort code: SOUTHVALLEYCHURCH0 Location: Dawson County, Montana, United States of America Feature ID: 776912 Feature class: House of Worship Latitude: 47.514459° North Longitude: 104.7899636° West Elevation: 824 meters above sea level |