First Christian Church

Name: First Christian Church

Class: House of Worship

Location: San Diego County, California, United States of America

U.S. Board on Geographic Names ID: 1868474

First Christian Church is located at:

Latitude: 33.1947585° North (33°11’41” North)
Longitude: 117.3769834° West (117°22’37” West)

Elevation: 23 meters above sea level.

Source: U.S. Board on Geographic Names, as of 1 November 2020. If this name is incorrect or outdated, help them update their data:
U.S. Board on Geographic Names
(Or the institution may write to them on official letterhead.)

First Christian Church in San Diego County, California, United States of America,-117.3769834,17z

This website is maintained by Tom Alciere, based on public domain data from the U.S. Board on Geographic Names.

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